I express to parents, “If your child is struggling in school, start with getting their eyes checked.” Vision therapy helped my stepson and my son. My son worked very hard to stay at grade level with his class so his issues weren't as obvious to me. But I knew he was worried about how it took him longer to complete work and his reading was very slow. All the teacher said, “His reading will come along. He's a good student. He will be fine.” My gut said otherwise. With vision therapy, his confidence and reading took off! No longer do we have to battle getting him to read. He loves to read now and does it voluntarily. He gets his work done at a faster Pace in school. No more looming folder of work that needs to be completed. If we are taking our kids to sports training to improve their athleticism, we should be taking them to vision therapy to improve their schooling. The sooner the better! Hayden never resisted in going to his therapy sessions. He enjoyed all the staff. He was a great experience for us all. Thank you!
- Heather